Senior Thesis: Homemade

User Research | User Experience | Branding | UI Design


Project Objectives:

Make a muti-media campaign that answers those two things. It shares the heart behind why we should eat together and offers resources that can improve each of the four components of eating together (environments, food, people, and conversation).

After a semester of conducting researching about the eating experience, I utilized these insights and hosted a gathering with young creative students of color over a meal and connected them with leaders of color in the design field.

Programs Used:

Indesign, Aftereffects, Illustrator, Adobe XD

 What is the Problem?

Families that unplug and eat together (more than 3x a week) have enormous positive impacts on child behavior (such as less drug usage, lower risk of child pregnancies, higher self esteem, better academic performance, and less child obesity). However, people rarely slow down and take the time to eat together.

Research shows that the two main reasons is because people don’t understand why eating together is important and often struggle with knowing how to do it well.


Research Methods

User Personas

4 different user personas were based off the data from the survey results. The main difference between each user persona is their different comfortability levels with hospitality.

User Peronas - website.png

User Journeys

These “Current User Journeys” were used to discover pain points in the user’s everyday experience of eating.

User Journey - website.png



What is Homemade?

Homemade is a muti-media campaign that shares the heart behind why we should eat together and offers unique resources on how we can do it well.


Homemade Promotional Video

Visual Identity


Mood Board

Guiding Principals

Social Media


The instagram page will feature educational posts, step-by-step instructions, weekly recipe challenges, reposts from homemade users, local dinner events and workshops, research and studies, and more.



Additional Resources


Homemade & Hands-On.

Food is a bridge to bring people together.

Collaborating with the local nonprofit RTNI, we brought together young, creative students from inner-city Columbus schools with an irresistible waffle buffet. This event fostered connections between the students and design leaders of color during an interactive design workshop


Worthington Christian Schools


Poster Design